World's Only Fully-Sealed Displays


“World's Only Fully Sealed Displays” is a big boast and we’re open to hearing from any other contenders. But you have to admit the video (filmed at the bottom of a swimming pool) is impressive.

Ciil Technologies at InfoComm showed its Xtreme and UltraView weatherproof flat panels.

Ciil’s patented Fully-Encapsulated Dynamic Thermal Transfer System keeps internal components safely warmed in extreme cold and properly cooled in extreme heat all without vents, filters or exhaust fans.

The Xtreme and UltraView weatherproof display’s seamless design prevents the accumulation of water, sand, dust and ice (even brake dust and exhaust fumes from vehicles if the display in a subway station or bus terminal).

Xtreme displays, available in 42-inch and 47-inch sizes, feature a smooth, ultra-thin quarter-inch bezel. Ciil says it enables the display to fill the entire screen, rather than the image being tampered by a thick divider between screens when used in a video wall application.

The UltraView displays, in 32”, 40”, 46” and 55”, comes with waterproof, removable speakers so the display can still be hooked up to a professional sound system. The displays have an IP rating of 67, and like their Xtreme counterpart, are 100% fully sealed (meaning nothing gets in, and nothing gets out as you’ll see in the video).

Watch CiilXtreme and Ultraview