The Largest Exhibitors at ISE 2012 Are...

Samsung ISE2012

As ISE grows bigger, many exhibitors consider increasing their stands. While re-signing for 2013 ISE, Digital Projection increased its stand size almost 3X. Sony, Barco, Sennheiser, AVC Group, Sharp and Optoma also increased their floor space for 2013. But the real news is Samsung who will jump 25% to 1000 sq. m.

Exhibitors will now grow their stand footprints, in conjunction with an ISE priority system that ranks exhibitors so one with higher priority can choose its stand location and size before another. And this selection process will change the face of the show.

Which exhibitors at ISE 2012 took the most space? Click below and see...

Go ISE 2012 Top 10 in Floor Space